AriB (Architects in Brussels)

AriB (Architects in Brussels)

About us

ARCHITECTS IN BRUSSELS (AriB) is an open, multicultural and multilingual professional association supporting Brussels architects and promoting architecture in the Brussels-Capital Region;

ARiB wants to be a coordination body, an information portal ( and a privileged interlocutor of the political, economic and cultural worlds in BCR;
It brings together the energies of professionals concerned with defending their good practice and of anyone concerned about the quality of architecture, town planning and the environment in BCR:

Together with the Union Wallonne des Architectes (UWA) , The Netwerk Architecten Vlaanderen (NAV) and the Beroepsvereniging voor Architecten (BVA), the AriB forms the Federation of Belgian Architects’ Societies (FAB) which represents the profession at federal, european and international level…





Contact information

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