Smart Badge technology

Easily receive relevant exhibitor information quickly thanks to our Smart Badge technology.

How to best use your visitor badge?
At each stand you will find one or more green signs referring to “Badgy,” the Smart Badge Technology figure. Are you showing interest in an exhibitor and its products/services?
Then touch the “reader” on the green sign with your visitor badge.

Successful? A beeping tone and the green light on the “reader” indicate that your action was successful.

Within 24 hours you will receive an overview e-mail containing all information and possible recommendations.


  1. Your visitor badge is your virtual carry-on bag during your trade show visit.
  2. You know exactly which stands you visited. You will receive an e-mail within 24 hours with a handy overview of your visit.
  3. No spam. You only receive digital information from exhibitors you showed interest in.

Watch the video